
One Planet City
Spring 2020
Developing a sustainable funding strategy
One Planet City
About the Client
One Planet York (OPY) is a growing network of organisations working to make York a more sustainable, resilient and collaborative 'One Planet' city. This includes creating a city which has a thriving local economy, strong communities and a sustainable way of life; a city where residents are healthy, happy and prosperous. At the time of the project, OPY was undergoing significant organisational restructuring, as it was separating from the City of York Council and setting up as a Community Interest Company (CIC).
As an independent organisation, OPY aims to be the hub between Public, Private, Voluntary and Academic sectors, that supports and coordinates sustainability projects in the City of York and the surrounding region. Further, OPY aims for its brand and logo to serve as the “recognisable marker” of a truly sustainable venture in York. Once OPY is settled as an independent CIC, it aims to appoint one full-time employee responsible for increasing “Awareness” of OPY and “Coordination” amongst operational leaders.
Establish sustainable and comprehensive funding strategy
Devise a digital marketing strategy
Project Outcome
The project enabled the client to gain a clear insight into the viability of a successful transition into a CIC. In addition to this, it provided actionable plans for marketing, funding and engagement. Through interviews with 6 former OPY pledgers, 4 non-pledgers and direct liaison with Bioregional, our team was able to gain invaluable insights into the core value propositions of OPY to its current and future members.
On the marketing front, our team clearly outlined how OPY ought to improve the clarity of its mission statement and improve the consistency and coherence of its social media marketing through the use of social media management tools. Furthermore, our team provided a detailed guide of how OPY could create an online forum on its website using a WordPress plugin.
On the engagement front, our team identified a large disparity in needs between various target OPY member groups (corporates, SMEs, charities, etc.) and outlined how OPY could provide a differentiated but consistent approach to these groups. Finally, on the funding front, our team suggested a pledger scheme structure that would maximise revenue in the short-to-medium term, as well as outlining upcoming crowdfunding, sponsorship and grant opportunities.