
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
Spring 2020
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is a charity working to create a Yorkshire rich in wildlife.
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
About the Client
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust is a charity working to create a Yorkshire rich in wildlife. They are the second oldest and largest Wildlife Trust in the UK, and protect and restore Yorkshire’s wildlife and wild places. They engage in projects to better protect our natural world, including: advocating for marine protected areas; creating wildlife corridors on land; campaigning for new legislation and educating about climate change, the dangers of plastics and the threat to British species.
Project Outline
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust believe that there is still much we can do to help our wildlife. They see hope in the form of the youth of today and want to work with YCC to reach out to a younger demographic and increase their active involvement within York. Yorkshire Wildlife Trust have tasked YCC with engaging in some of their volunteering work and reviewing their website, social media channels and supporter engagement to ensure that the information is provided is coherent and easy-to-follow, and that their processes are as simple as possible. Further, YCC is to investigate how to expand public awareness of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and the work they do, and explore the possibility of relationships being forged between Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and universities, schools and colleges within York.
Project Outcomes
This project enabled the client to gain a clear insight into the viability of expanding their outreach into key groups within the Yorkshire area, highlighted key areas of development within their outreach programme and introduced sustainable alternatives to services already offered. The team clearly broke down several different groups the Trust should approach after liaising with multiple university societies, local scout groups and school/college societies. Further, they performed detailed analysis of marketing strategies utilised by fellow Wildlife Trusts and related charities to maximise involvement, and worked intensively with a variety of focus groups to uncover the most effective style of marketing that appeals to the youth audience the Trust seeked to target. Each recommendation was well developed, with empirical evidence justifying its importance and detailed explanation of how it should be implemented. The team then presented the client with their final presentation, as well as a video summarising the document to ease any confusion the client might have going through the document.